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It freaks me out that most of us probably...

A) only know of 5% of all the jobs that exist.

B) won't use what we studied in college.

C) are unaware of the true reality behind the jobs we’re considering devoting years of our lives to.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

You don’t have to just hope you’ll one day “stumble” into a satisfying career like the lucky few. You don’t have to take a ton of personality assessments, only to vaguely find out you like helping people and want to make money doing it. You don’t have to scroll through the 17th page of LinkedIn only to think, “None of these sound cool, but I don’t know what else to type in?”

After 6 years of helping hundreds of people find meaningful jobs, I’ve learned one thing to be true:

We can fix this.

Here’s how I know: I used to be incredibly depressed in my high-stress corporate consulting job. I wanted to leave, but I didn’t know what else to do. I lived in a world where, if you’re a people-person, you go into HR, if you’re creative, you go into marketing, if you’re nurturing, you go into counseling, if you like numbers, you go into accounting. It was all so simplistic. I didn’t like any of those options.

So I spent months Googling, taking personality assessments, listening to podcasts, reading books, looking through LinkedIn…it all felt random, and I wasn’t sure if it would ever lead me to a career path that 1) I liked, 2) I was qualified for, that..3) would provide any semblance of a paycheck.

Until one day, by sheer luck, after clicking through literally hundreds of articles and videos, I came across a TED Talk by a girl with a job title I had never heard of before: Career Coach.

I quickly thought, “PEOPLE GET PAID FOR THAT!? That sounds so, so cool.”

As I’ve sat with countless others through “aha” moments of their own, I’ve realized there’s one main thing that helps them get there:

Mass exposure to job options that are currently outside of their field of awareness. And subsequently, exposure to detailed info that, until now, is impossible to find on Google about the true day-to-day reality of all these jobs.

Why? Because I don’t want to make massive life-altering career decisions based on articles that may be vague, AI-generated bull crap. If I’m considering betting my career on a move into YouTube Script Writing, Brand Strategy, or Toy Design, I want to hear the good, the bad, the ugly, and all the advice directly from someone who is in that job and loves it.

Your dream job exists, you probably just don’t know what it’s called yet.

That’s why I created Job Dictionary.

To show you a world of jobs you’ve never heard of, then help you confidently pick the best one for you.

For free.

With streamlined, lowest-cost, best-in-class additional support options, only if you want them.

Stay tuned,

Kelsey Kemp

founder, job dictionary